Latest News
Employer Apprenticeship Insentive Payments
The government have increased incentive payments for hiring a new apprentice Employers will receive £3,000 for new employees of any age who start their apprenticeship from 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021. The incentive payment is in addition to the £1,000 employers...
Guide to attracting under-represented groups to digital apprenticeships
The Tech Partnership is delighted to be working with the Greater London Authority (GLA) to support the Mayor’s Digital Talent Programme, which aims to increase the number of women and young people from Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) and disadvantaged backgrounds...
EcoWorld Construction Course
The Redundancy Support Service for Apprentices
The Redundancy Support Service for Apprentices The Redundancy Support Service for Apprentices (ReSSA), launched by the Department for Education, will provide clear, accessible advice and guidance to individuals following redundancy, while supporting their next steps....
Redundancy Support for Apprentices (Employers)
The Redundancy Support Service for Apprentices We know that the Covid-19 outbreak has had a seismic effect on the economy, and that some apprentices have been made redundant without completing their apprenticeships, while others are at risk of redundancy. We know you...
Summer Newsletter
Spring Partner Newsletter
MIT Skills Spring Newsletter
Ramadan in Lockdown – A message from Mrs Hifsa Haroon-Iqbal
23rd April 2020 RAMADAN BRIEFING PAPER For Muslims across the world, this week, on Friday 24th April, sees the start of Ramadan, the sacred month of fasting. A month that is welcomed by Muslims as a blessing and an opportunity to renew our faith, engage in...
Good Thinking – Tools to help your mental health
Feeling low during lockdown or having problems with mental health? have released a range of tools to assist with mental health issues such as anxiety, sleep problems, stress and low moods. These apps are approved by the NHS and are free to...